“The official positions of the 大奥斯汀黑人商会 for the May 2021 elections were carefully arrived at with our core mission and objective in mind: Supporting the implementation of policy that favors the promotion of Black Business in Central Texas. We believe wholeheartedly in the capacity of our elected officials to consider and include Black business as integral to the success of the Central Texas region at large and to reflect that perspective in the proceedings of policymaking. 我们鼓励所有支持我们商会使命的选民与我们一起追求黑人经济的成功和发展.”
提案A -消防员仲裁
大奥斯汀黑人商会 votes neutral in response to the development and implementation of the Firefighters Arbitration Agreement on behalf of the Austin Firefighters Association.
大奥斯汀黑人商会 supports policies that are both capable of protecting the development of Black business and prioritize accessible and affordable housing as an equitable right for the citizens of Austin. This proposition frames the general public understanding of our housing crisis as the antithesis of economic stability when the reality is that our city is capable of more than reactionary criminalization. 将无家可归定为刑事犯罪并不能消除我们的社区成员面临缺乏住房保障的问题,事实上它会, disproportionately affect our black communities at large; which is in direct opposition to the mission of our organization. Our organization believes that we need housing security first and foremost seeing as Austin’s current housing crisis is a leading cause of the dwindling Black population in the city limits. 大奥斯汀黑人商会对提案B投了否决票,因为它的投票语言有问题,至少可以说是固有的地理位置. 很明显,这项政策的制定没有考虑到奥斯汀所有企业的发展.
我们国家的住房危机无论如何都是不人道的,对任何人都没有好处. 这种影响也延伸到了商业领域. 至少可以这么说,提案B的选票语言在地理位置上存在问题. 这个有40多年历史的会议厅, has been fighting against racial injustice and cannot support any legislation that would portend to criminalize a disproportionate amount of black people. 我们支持帮助住房不安全人群和促进所有商业并举的政策. 不幸的是,这一提议两者都没有,更糟糕的是,它可能会削弱我们有效履行经济繁荣使命的能力.
提案C -独立的警察监督
警察和社区关系的成功植根于对透明度和问责制的相互理解,这始终是不可或缺的. One of the leading ways that Austin can tangibly catch itself up in ensuring the safety and prosperity of its citizens is through the appointment of an independent Director of Police Oversight whom through their autonomous role will usher in a robust attention to detail that could otherwise be both overlooked and detrimental to our community relations at large.
提案D -市长选举日期
不用说,我们的城市和整个州在我们的选民制度方面有很多机会向我们的公民妥协. Part of why it is so fundamentally important that voter equity be prioritized is so that we may see an accurate portrayal of our city reflected back to us in the polls. One way that this can be achieved is to consolidate the mayoral elections to be in alignment with presidential years rather than that of gubernatorial years. 如果我们想提高投票率, this adjustment will allow optimal time for voter education to become more comprehensive and ultimately liberate voters to make informed decisions on behalf of the communities they belong to and keep track of important election dates with less room for error.
提案E -排名选择
很明显,我们不只是想要投票率,而是想要在每一张选票背后有一种附加的能动性. 选民公平的一部分还包括支持选民了解每个潜在候选人的政纲. 排位投票制将使选民的意愿表达出来,而如果没有这种选择,选民的意愿往往得不到表达. This would ultimately ensure that the winning candidate appealed broadly to the majority of voters and increase accuracy in elections where the candidate margins for determining a winner are much smaller.
提案F -市长议会模式
从历史上看, 采用现行理事会经理制度, 市民们可以放心,在市长一级,在政策颁布之前,有一个额外的反馈分支. The power of that checkpoint of feedback has proven to be invaluable to the public at large when necessary review or reconsideration needs to be caught before decisions are made on behalf of our mayor. The elimination of this position would not only jeopardize the security that we as a community once had in knowing that another leader could provide insight to policy outside of the single mayoral office. 作为公众和市长之间的联络人,市议会经理一职的重要性不言而喻. 如果我们要在未来看到一个平衡和公正的市长办公室,我们就不需要巩固赋予理事会经理的权力对比.
提案G -第11区议会分区
市议会通过将提案F和G分开来编码该提案的语言是有策略的. 他们的意图是找到一种方法,在不“取决于”前一个项目的结果的情况下,仍然允许至少有一个项目进行. 所有这一切都是为了实现他们的议程,一个偶数的理事会. 这一点在提案中是不言而喻的, 市议会依靠他们的社区成员缺乏文化来解读这两个提议具体会导致什么. 我们强烈建议否决提案F和G,以避免理事会成员人数为偶数的危险.
毋庸置疑,H提案的内容旨在从选民的角度和候选人的角度创造双重公平的竞争环境. 一方面,一方面, our voters who have never had the expendable income to place their earned revenue back into the political campaign of their choosing can now be included in the conversation by way of having a protected voucher to ensure their participation. This can only mobilize a larger number of low income earning voters to represent themselves and the candidates that reflect their best interests by way of funding their campaigns. 同样的, our more grassroots campaigns that are largely community based and funded won’t face intimidation due to their inability to garner enough financial backing to go up against special interest money in elections. 这将增加我们选举过程的整体多样性和包容性.
提案A -消防员仲裁: GABC对加入消防员仲裁协议持中立态度.
提案B:禁止露营: GABC决定否决提案B,因为它不能促进全市公平的政策执行, 或者平等地保护所有企业,更糟糕的是, 将不成比例的种族人口定为犯罪. 这项提议不会消除我们的住房危机, 或者为那些面临住房不安全的人提供解决方案.
提案C:独立的警察监督: GABC决定YES. A Director of Police Oversight can ensure that there is always a role designated to both seek transparency and accountability from our police department to strengthen community relations.
D:提案 市长选举日期:GABC决定是. 简化所有选民的投票程序,将市长选举合并为总统选举年,而不是州长选举年.
艾凡:提案 排名选择:GABC决定YES. 通过允许选民对他们的偏好进行排序,确保获胜的候选人能够广泛地吸引大多数选民.
F:提案 市长-理事会模式:GABC决定NO. 保留市议会经理的职位,并根据公众的需要保持市政权力的平衡.
道具G: 第11区议会区:GABC决定NO. 保持理事会-经理制度,并使权力更集中在已建立的地区手中. 一个额外的地区进一步分散和划分权力.
支持H: 民主美元:GABC决定是. 创造公平的竞争环境,从传统上不捐款的选民那里引入新一波竞选支持. 允许每个登记选民在经济上支持候选人的努力.
反对德克萨斯州参议院第1号法案. 7声明
我们认为德克萨斯州参议院法案. 这是对我们德克萨斯州民主的明显威胁,也是全国选民压制代表性不足社区的缩影. Many of the proposed policies in the bill would obstruct the guaranteed voting rights of Texans and especially penalizes communities of color as well as those with disabilities. 该法案包含许多提议的投票限制,包括对选民资格的限制, 减少投票时间和地点, 不合理的邮寄投票条件, 并要求残疾人提供有资格进行邮寄投票的证明. 它还允许投票观察员对选民进行录像记录, 哪个是对隐私的侵犯,哪个是党派骚扰的途径. Texas lawmakers should be expanding avenues for voting as well as modernizing the already restricted process to make voting more accessible to all communities across our diverse state, 而不是相反. 因此,我们强烈反对TX SB7.
Tam Hawkins | GABC总裁 & 首席执行官
纳尔逊E. 林德|全国有色人种协进会主席奥斯汀
Dr. 科莱特·皮尔斯·伯内特,休斯顿蒂洛森大学校长
Cloteal Davis Haynes | 首席执行官, Haynes- eaglin - waters, LLC
牧师. Dr. 达里尔·霍顿|奥斯汀及附近浸信会牧师联盟主席
约瑟牧师. 小帕克,.先生., D.最小值. |大卫教堂浸信会传教士教堂
By 洛丽·霍金斯
乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被明尼阿波利斯一名警察枪杀,以及为美国黑人争取社会正义的抗议活动, 奥斯汀的一些企业发表声明谴责警察暴力,并承诺加大多元化努力.
这会对奥斯汀的黑人社区产生有意义的影响吗, 在过去的十年里,中国在亚洲地区的经济繁荣中基本上处于边缘地位?
这取决于企业是否愿意超越公关,采取实际行动, 塔姆·霍金斯说, 大奥斯汀黑人商会的首席执行官.
霍金斯说:“公司做出公开声明是件好事. “现在我们必须超越讨论,超越痛苦,走向行动.”
The American-Statesman talked with Hawkins about the challenges facing Austin’s black-owned businesses and what can be done to create more opportunities for Austin’s black workforce. 为简洁明了,采访内容经过编辑."