WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 经理, 薪酬部负责管理CapMetro各部门的薪酬计划和项目. 经理, 补偿 reports to the Director, 补偿, 好处, and Wellbeing and will plan, 开发, and implement new and revised compensation programs, 计划, 政策, 以及与机构目标和竞争惯例保持一致的程序. 该职位还负责确保CapMetro的薪酬计划得到一致的管理
首都地铁类别: 会计
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR The Accounts Payable Specialist, Lead reports directly to the Supervisor, Payroll and Accounts Payable. 该职位负责应付账款专员的中间领导和支持,并协助主管, Payroll and Accounts Payable, in the supervision of the daily activities. 该职位负责分析每周应付账款数据的差异, exceptions and trends that would assist management with information
首都地铁类别: 会计
信誉购彩正版推荐E3联盟: E3联盟是一个非营利组织,致力于不懈追求德州学生的教育转型. 成立于2006年, E3联盟是一家总部位于德克萨斯州的教育合作机构,利用数据作为催化剂,影响所有学生的教育成果——从摇篮到职业生涯. Partnering with school, 社区, and business leaders, E3联盟汇集了不同的声音,共同合作,建立一个强大的, equitable education pipeline that
E3联盟类别: Executive and Management
知识/经验:高中以上学历,至少三年以上大型工业设备维修经验,愿意并能够轮班工作, 周末, & holidays as needed/assigned. 熟练使用电脑、平板电脑、设备相关程序.e.(CMM/EAM系统)设施诊断设备和故障排除技术. 能够快速熟悉、保持并坚持公司的政策和程序. Can-do, positive attitude that teams
首都地铁类别: Facilities, Maintenance, and Repair
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR CapMetro正在寻找一位精力充沛的人,负责清洁和维护CapMetro的所有公共设施,包括公交车站, 交通中心, 还有火车站. 注:以下的职责和主要职责旨在描述这份工作的总体内容和要求,而不是对职责的详尽说明.? • Inspect, clean and repair all facilities and structures (e.g. signs, benches, trash
首都地铁类别: Facilities, Maintenance, and Repair
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 应急准备实习生主要负责与公共安全和应急管理团队合作,制定和实施包括计划在内的应急准备方案, 培训, 练习, after-action reports, and other documents and activities. 你会成为什么样的人 DOINGUnder the direct supervision of the Program Manager, Emergency Preparedness, 协助并完成以下工作:检查和维护首都交通
首都地铁类别: Facilities, Maintenance, and Repair
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR The Intern reports directly to the Manager, Service Delivery. 该职位将在信息技术部执行专业支持工作,并将与帮助台团队一起进行配置, deploying and retiring desktops/laptops. 你会成为什么样的人 DOINGCustomer ServiceDelivers, 标签, and assists in the configuration of end-user PC desktop hardware, 软件 and peripheral equipment.执行报废电脑设备的电脑退役程序
首都地铁类别: Facilities, Maintenance, and Repair
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 薪酬和福利实习生将协助薪酬和福利小组审查和更新该机构的工作描述. 查看SharePoint的福利、退休和薪酬文件夹,确保这些文件用于存储薪酬和福利团队的历史信息. 与市场团队合作,在CapMetro Central网站上分享薪酬和福利的其他信息,以提高透明度. 你会成为什么样的人
首都地铁类别: 人力资源
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 这个商业智能(BI)分析师的职位直接向服务分析经理汇报,并将与服务分析一起工作, Scheduling and Service Planning areas of the Planning department. 商业智能分析师将协助CapMetro做出明智的业务决策,以提高服务质量和可持续性, 使用商业智能分析工具和机器学习技术来利用数据集仓库, mine for information and statistics, 创建
首都地铁类别: Information Technology
我们正在寻找一名家庭参与专家,他可以通过授权志愿者和儿童倡导专家来确定健康的联系来支持CASA的使命, relational permanency, and 安全 homes for the children that we serve. 优雅和慷慨的领导对这个角色非常重要,因为它需要伙伴关系和跨团队合作的精神. 特拉维斯县的CASA认为,每一个遭受虐待或忽视的孩子都应该有一个专门的倡导者站出来说话
CASA of Travis County类别: Non-Profit and Social Services
We are looking for a Senior Director of Community Engagement who, together with the Chief Program Officer (CPO), assists in articulating and implementing the strategic goals and mission of the organization; evaluating the effectiveness of services to achieve these goals; providing mentoring, 指导, supervision and professional 开发ment to program staff; and working to continually enhance the work of the organization. 特拉维斯县儿童之家协会相信每一个遭受虐待或忽视的孩子
CASA of Travis County类别: Non-Profit and Social Services
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 专家2, Executive Communications reports directly to the Sr. Director, Chief of Staff. 该职位负责为CapMetro总裁提供复杂的沟通支持 & CEO in their internal and external communications. 专家2, 执行传讯部与战略传讯部紧密合作, 市场营销, Community Engagement, 和政府事务小组,以确保行政沟通符合机构的倡议和
首都地铁类别: 公共关系
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 专家2, 多媒体传播职位直接向多媒体制作项目经理汇报. 该职位负责复杂的面向客户和面向公众的沟通,并协助实施包括社交媒体在内的综合沟通战略, 网站消息, crisis communications and alerts to external customers, special events information, dissemination of public information and coordination of
首都地铁类别: 公共关系
信誉购彩正版推荐 Visit Austin and Our Mission/Culture: 奥斯丁旅游局负责将奥斯丁作为首屈一指的商务和休闲目的地在国内和国际上进行营销, thus enriching our 社区's overall quality of life. Visit Austin devotes itself to promoting all things Austin. This city has a one-of-a-kind culture and universal appeal, and we want to make sure people know about it. 我们的价值观是我们的指导原则和基本信念,它定义了我们希望如何工作. 值
Visit Austin Visitor Center类别: 零售/批发
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 需求响应运营支持专员直接向需求响应副总裁汇报 & Innovative Mobility. This position also supports the Demand Response directors. 该职位负责各种文书和行政支持,以促进捷运的日常运作, CapMetro接机, 和MetroBike, and long-term objectives of the business unit. 这一角色对于确保整个司及其四个部门的工作
首都地铁类别: 培训
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR CapMetro is looking for a flexible,creative and patient listener who can 开发, 协调, 管理新员工和现有员工的所有操作培训,以保持公司设备操作标准, providing customer service, and regulations adherence. 你会成为什么样的人 DOING 注:以下职责和主要职责旨在描述本工作的一般内容和要求,并非详尽说明
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 系统可靠性技术员I是确保MetroBike项目顺利运行的关键,主要是确保系统中的自行车在整个网络中保持适当的平衡,并保持电动自行车的充电,以最大限度地提高系统的可用性. 尽可能在现场对自行车和车站进行简单的维修,并将有缺陷的设备移到车间进行维修. 评估资产状况并更新其状态,提交维修或服务请求
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 铁路车队服务项目经理直接向铁路运营总监汇报. 该职位负责对负责运营和维护管理局收入和非收入轨道车辆以及轨道车辆维修设施的首都地铁承包商和负责运营首都地铁货运和短途列车的承包商/组织进行管理监督. This position works under minimal
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR CapMetro正在寻找负责需求响应服务交付的人,包括ADA辅助交通MetroAccess服务, and on- demand Pick-Up services to ensure operations are on-time, 安全, 富有成效的, and efficient for over 200 vehicles in peak service, 发球次数超过2次,400 daily passenger trips. 该职位需要快速检查行程安排和行程数据,以便在路线上做出合理的决定, responding to vehicle operators on the road, 客户询问. 什么
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR CapMetro正在寻找一个负责的人来回答ADA辅助交通地铁系统我的车在哪里, 让取消航班, open returns phone queues, on-demand Pick-Up customer reservations, monitoring customer trips, assisting in demand response monitoring and directing vehicle operators, road supervisors and maintenance personnel. 你会成为什么样的人 DOING · Answer MetroAccess “Where’s my ride Line”, “Cancellations” and “Open Return Line” to 创建, 取消, and confirm trips for
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
知识与经验:至少2年的计算机技术经验, specific to video file transfer experience.Minimum 2 years’ transportation experience preferred.评估监测系统故障和实施纠正措施的方法和技术.Methods and techniques of surveillance trending analysis.Must be able to view video footage over extended periods of time.Must have the ability to prepare and present programs and presentations.Methods and techniques of preserving
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR Ready to make a difference? 加入 our team as a Support Specialist Operations Mobile Cleaning! 您将确保CapMetro巴士和服务区的原始状态. 移动清洁支持专员向运营项目经理汇报工作. 流动清洁支持专员将为流动清洁支持专员领导提供指导. 这个职位负责公共汽车的卫生和清洁
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing
WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR 该职位负责确保CapMetro运营控制中心(OCC)的日常顺利运行。, 包括协调不同模式之间的服务提供,以实现以客户为中心的服务提供. 经理, OCC还将负责就CapMetro的服务状况向公众传达信息, including disruptions & delays, via technology that is forward facing to the customer. 你会成为什么样的人 DOING 注:职责
首都地铁类别: Transportation and Warehousing